2020 was certainly a strange school year, but it produced a real bounty of fantastic nominees for the TRJMS. Our winners in 2020 were Paul Miller and Malaika Whitlock. Paul was cited especially for his leadership of a new Dungeons and Dragons club and Malaika was nominated for her passion for music and family.

We were unable to hold the traditional awarding at the 8th grade celebration because of the COVID-19 circumstances, but we met the awardees to give them their certificates and checks in a local park. They are pictured here, along, with William and Olivia Jenks

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The remaining nominees were musicians, athletes, and actors…some of high achievement and all of high passion and great character. Like we say every year: watch out world! We were not able to get a group photo because of the COVID crisis, but want to list their names here (in no particular order): Cade Taylor, Tate Esser, Nick Alexander, Noah Williamson, Ember Biggs, Nia Chen Stewart, Evan Feilmeyer, Joshua Chen, Maya Fowler, Olivia Knutson, Haley Prkashan, and Joshua Romitti.
