
2023 Winners: Kate Nigh and Adalene (AK) Nolin

From an exceptionally strong list of nominees, we are pleased to announce the two winners of the 2023 TRJMS are Kate Nigh and Adelene (AK) Nolin. Kate is a multipart athlete probably best known for her exploits on the softball field, cited for her compassionate leadership and willingness to take personal risk. AK participates in multiple academic competitions and was recognized as Most Improved in track and Outstanding Athlete in her 8th grade seasons of cross country and track, respectively.

The other nominees were all very accomplished students with great futures in front of them. They are Joy Zhang, Elodie Biggs, Victoria Williams, Dania Tahir, Ireland Doyle, Kenyan Aaron, Ella Grail, Jose Pizarro-Matos, Hezekiah Johnson, Kellen Blmer-Brown, and Lucy Stegemoller.



2022 Winners: Zoe Brockman and an Anonymous Nominee

2022 brought us another crop of wonderful nominees. Congratulations to our two winners: Zoe Brockman (shown below) and a nominee who asked us to remain anonymous. She is an accomplished soccer player and referee and active participant in Scouts, among many other things.

Regretfully, we were unable to get a group photo of all of the nominees because the 8th grade celebration was held at the AHS football stadium but we wish to congratulate them here: Zachary Loecke, Matthia Roettger, Tasneem Abdillaahi, Anika Shrotriya, Brayden Shimanek, Laura Chen, Sawyer Larson, Jackson Diekmann, Elijiah Sheldon, Gabriella Teske, Austin McIntire, and Jonathan Ryken.



2021 Winners Colden Bray and Saylor Horras

2021 was another COVID-affected year that was capped by a big thunderstorm minutes after we announced the winners of the 2021 TRJMS, so we once again could not get a good group photo. However, it was also a year in which we had a fabulous set of nominations from which Colden Bray and Saylor Horras were selected. Colden was cited especially for his passion and leadership in football, and Taylor for her passion in swimming and track. They are pictured below with William and Olivia Jenks

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Also nominated in 2021 were Will Williams, Zachary Lenkaitis, Helena Appau, Madison Fischer, Katherine Reisinger, Madison Fischer, Myah Smith, and Maysen Smith



2020 Winners: Malaika Whitlock and Paul Miller

2020 was certainly a strange school year, but it produced a real bounty of fantastic nominees for the TRJMS. Our winners in 2020 were Paul Miller and Malaika Whitlock. Paul was cited especially for his leadership of a new Dungeons and Dragons club and Malaika was nominated for her passion for music and family.

We were unable to hold the traditional awarding at the 8th grade celebration because of the COVID-19 circumstances, but we met the awardees to give them their certificates and checks in a local park. They are pictured here, along, with William and Olivia Jenks

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The remaining nominees were musicians, athletes, and actors…some of high achievement and all of high passion and great character. Like we say every year: watch out world! We were not able to get a group photo because of the COVID crisis, but want to list their names here (in no particular order): Cade Taylor, Tate Esser, Nick Alexander, Noah Williamson, Ember Biggs, Nia Chen Stewart, Evan Feilmeyer, Joshua Chen, Maya Fowler, Olivia Knutson, Haley Prkashan, and Joshua Romitti.



2019 Winners: Alina Markutsya and Grace McCunn

The 2019 TRJMS Scholarships go to two fabulous young women: Alina Markustya and Grace McCunn.

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Alina is a nationally competitive gymnast who is also an extraordinary musician and budding scientist. Her nominators repeatedly cited her “dedication to improvement, determination, teamwork, learning, and [her] drive toward success.”

Grace McCunn is a unique young woman whose primary “extracurricular activity” has been philanthropy for Blank. Children’s Hospital. She is also passionate about her activities in music, her church, and her soccer team. In the words of one nominator: “Grace’s passion for soccer makes me smile; her passion for helping those who are suffering makes me proud.”

We had another fabulous class of nominees for 2019. Musicians abounded from trombone to bassoon to ukulele! Athletes competed in gymnastics, soccer, and track. The 8th grade celebration listed so many things these people are doing it’s amazing. Watch out world!

2019 Nominees: Ally Enyart, Grace McCunn, Lillie Kennedy, Kendra Goodwin, Alina Markutsya, and Adrian Gunn.

2019 Nominees: Ally Enyart, Grace McCunn, Lillie Kennedy, Kendra Goodwin, Alina Markutsya, and Adrian Gunn.



2018 Winners: Elizabeth Orth and Morgan Shimanek

Beginning in 2018, the TIM Foundation is pleased to be able to make two awards.  And especially pleased to mark the beginning of this series with Elizabeth Orth and Morgan Shimanek.


Elizabeth is a gymnast whose coach sees her passion for the sport at every practice.   He particularly says that she has a knack for dealing with the inevitable frustrations of gymnastics, including repetitions and falls.  In addition, she is in band and jazz band and is active in her church.

Morgan is a Boy Scout and a Tae Kwon Do athlete.  His coach called him a natural for the 5 tenets of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit; he is a rare Scout who achieved his Eagle by 8th grade.

In fact, all of 2018's nominees are outstanding students, athletes, musicians, and people.  Congratulations to everyone!

The 2018 class of nominees: Hayley Thomas, Morgan Shimanek, Mario Napolitano, Mikayla Kloth, Hordan Kloth, Alexa Kopaska, Ava Chopskie, Elizabeth Orth, and Jacob Stevens

The 2018 class of nominees: Hayley Thomas, Morgan Shimanek, Mario Napolitano, Mikayla Kloth, Hordan Kloth, Alexa Kopaska, Ava Chopskie, Elizabeth Orth, and Jacob Stevens


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2017 TRJMS Winner: Adriana Detrick

Adriana Detrick, with her grandmother and her mother, Adriana Detrick

Adriana Detrick, with her grandmother and her mother, Adriana Detrick

Adriana Detrick embodies the kind of student who makes the most of herself.  An actress and dancer, and athlete, she has worked as hard as anyone could to better herself.  She has been a member of the Ames Children's Choir, been in the band, danced with Robert Thomas Dance Studio, and participated both in school plays and the Story Theater Company.  Her nominator called her a student who exemplifies grit, resilience and dedication to her academic work.

As always, we had a terrific class of nominees this year. Shown below are Madison Badding, Brady Burkheimer, Arunadee Fernando, Casey Mumm, Kaitlin Will, and Adriana Detrick, along with Olivia, Cynthia, and William Jenks.

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2016 TRJMS Winner: Sayre Satterwhite

The 2016 TRJMS winner is Sayre Satterwhite, shown here with his parents Michael and Carla.

In the summer after his 8th grade year, Satterwhite will serve as a Japan Student Ambassador.  He has actively participated in Science Bowl and National History Day.  He was a Broadcom Master semifinalist in the Science Fair and will attend the Belin Blank Summer Institute for Social Studies before starting High School.  Sayre played in the AMS orchestra, is a member of the Ames Velo Cycling Club and the Ames Cyclones Aquatics Club.

Sayre's nominations spoke of him as a team player in the classroom, sport, and life who is always trying to better himself and others by learning and growing from every opportunity and challenge. Coaches described him as extremely hard working and having evolved into a leader.

In 2016, there were 15 outstanding nominees, all of whom would be worthy of the award. Shown left to right are Olivia Jenks, Cynthia Jenks, Ryan Jergensen, Chris Jenks (partially obscured), Hannah Huang, Vera Barkosky, Justin Kenny, David Kim, Jonah Strawhacker, Jacob Nicolas, Brinley Horras, Connor Van Veelden, Aliya Gurganus, Camille Jackson, Sayre Satterwhite, Andres Cordoba, Grant Henderson, Chloe Wilson, and William Jenks.  Watch out for these new high schoolers.  They are going places.




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2015 TRJMS Winner: Ethan Johnson

Ethan Johnson epitomizes what the TRJMS is about.

Ethan (center) and his mom, Mari Johnson and swim coach Dustin Rhoads.

Ethan (center) and his mom, Mari Johnson and swim coach Dustin Rhoads.

Ethan was nominated by his swim coach, Dustin Rhoads, who said about Ethan that over the course of his 8th grade year, he worked extremely hard and  became a better swimmer, a true leader, and a better person.  Ethan taught Dustin something about coaching swimmers of all abilities who have a commitment to getting better.  In addition to receiving the TRJMS for 2015, he was awarded the Most Improved Swimmer award for ACAC, the swim team that both he and Timothy swam for.

Ethan is a terrific student, having been on honor roll throughout middle school.  He sang in chorus, was on student council, been a Student Ambassador, and participated in Mock Trial.  He has played Bears youth football and AMS Basketball, and run for AMS Track.

But Ethan was not the only candidate brought forward for the inaugural award.  There were 10 terrific nominees, pictured below at the award ceremony, which was held at the Ames Middle School 8th grade graduation ceremony.  Expect to see all these kids emerge as leaders in the coming years.

 Update: Ethan graduated from Ames High in Spring 2019 and moved on to Valparaiso, where he is continuing his swimming career.

Shown above with William Jenks, the nominees were (left to right) Jayna Wanamaker (acting, soccer player, track, music), Leah Dietrich (swimmer), Anna Suski (chorus, band, jazz, Ames Children's Choir), William Brumm (trombone), Ravyn Kennedy (volleyball, track, softball), Dom McDonald (percussion), Leo Wernau (wrestling), Amy Fedderson (swimming), Julie-Michelle Manchard (vocal music), and Ethan Johnson.

Press Release Here.

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